Understanding Asbestosis
Asbestosis is a chronic lung disease which develops after you
have been exposed to substantial quantities of asbestos dust.
Sadly, there is currently no cure for asbestosis.
We have successfully pursued many compensation claims for
asbestosis for workers in a variety of occupations including laggers,
demolition workers and those who worked in asbestos factories.
What Causes
By inhaling large quantities of asbestos dust over time, the fibers can gradually damage your lungs by becoming lodged within the alveoli (the small sacs inside your lungs where oxygen is exchanged for carbon dioxide in the blood).
The fibres cause irritation to the lung tissue which can, after a latency period of approximately 20 to 40 years, result in scarring. The slow growth of scar tissue snakes across your lungs and stops them from expanding and contracting normally. This can cause a wide range of symptoms including breathlessness.
Common occupations that can put a person at risk of developing asbestosis are those that exposed someone to high levels of asbestos dust over a prolonged period of time. We regularly see people who worked as laggers, demolition workers or asbestos factory workers, who have been diagnosed with asbestosis.

Asbestosis Symptoms
Asbestosis symptoms can be life-changing, but there are a range of treatments available to help manage these.
The symptoms of asbestosis mainly affect your breathing and respiratory system but symptoms can include:
- Persistent coughing
- Chest pain
- Blood in the sputum/mucus
- Swelling in the neck or face
- Difficulty swallowing
- Loss of appetite
- Weight loss
- Nail deformities
- Extreme tiredness (fatigue)

Treatment For Asbestosis
Unfortunately, asbestosis cannot be cured because it is impossible to repair scarred lung tissue. However, there are a number of palliative treatments that can significantly improve your quality of life.

Postural Drainage and Chest Percussion
Otherwise known as chest physical therapy or CPT, postural drainage and percussion is a manual treatment technique which uses gravity and clapping on the chest and/or back to loosen the mucus in the lungs to allow it to be cleared by coughing.

In some cases, doctors may recommend surgery to treat asbestosis. The goal of asbestosis surgery is often palliative and designed to reduce your pain and relieve other symptoms.

If you have asbestosis, you are more likely to suffer with lung infections. Vaccinations against influenza and pneumonia can help prevent these infections taking hold, giving you a better quality of life.

Quit Smoking
Smoking makes the symptoms of breathlessness worse.. As well as reducing your symptoms, quitting smoking will significantly reduce your risk of developing lung cancer.
How Long Do Before Symptoms Develop
To make an asbestos-related lung cancer compensation claim you need to be able to say which companies or employers exposed you to asbestos and what work you were doing that caused the exposure.
Whilst asbestos exposure can increase the risk of developing lung cancer, the diagnosis of lung cancer because of asbestos is relatively rare. A Claimant has to show a very heavy history of exposure to asbestos such as that seen with laggers and asbestos factory workers.
A smoking history does not prevent a person claiming for asbestos-related lung cancer. In fact someone who has been a smoker and has been exposed to asbestos is at a greatly increased risk of suffering from lung cancer, compared to someone who has only smoked. The two work together to increase the risk further.
If you think you have a claim for asbestos-related lung cancer we can help. For more information visit our page on how to make an asbestos-related lung cancer claim.

Why Make an Asbestos Claim?
Asbestos claims take into account your unique circumstances. The law firm can help you to claim a compensation amount which reflects your personal financial situation and income, your private medical care, medical aids, assistance and more.
Often the door can be left open for further claims to be made should a person suffer a deterioration in their asbestos disease.
If you have not made a claim following your initial diagnosis with an asbestos-related disease, you may be prevented from making a claim if you develop a more serious asbestos-related disease in the future