Pleural Effusions
A pleural effusion is a build-up of fluid between the tissue that lines the outer surface of the lungs and the inside of the rib cage. This is known as the pleural cavity.
It can cause shortness of breath, sharp chest pain and a dry cough, amongst other symptoms. It is common for people with pleural mesothelioma and pleural thickening to develop pleural effusions.
You or a loved one may be able to claim compensation for mesothelioma or pleural thickening, you may also be able to claim compensation for a pleural effusion on its own, as it can be caused by exposure to asbestos dust.
What Causes Pleural Effusion?
There are a number of conditions which can cause pleural effusions or present themselves as such:
- Benign or malignant asbestos disease
- Congestive heart failure
- Pneumonia
- Liver cirrhosis
- End-stage kidney disease

What Are The Symptoms of Pleural Effusion?
Symptoms of pleural effusion can include:
- Shortness of breath
- A dry cough
- Sharp chest pain
- Fever

How Is Pleural Effusion Diagnosed?
A doctor can diagnose pleural effusion using an X-ray or CT scan.
If more than 300ml of fluid has collected in the lung cavity, it will be visible on an X-ray. However, if less fluid has collected, it may be difficult for experts to see. A CT scan can often reveal a clearer picture and assist with diagnosis.
Once you have been diagnosed with pleural effusion, doctors may take a sample of fluid from your pleural cavity for testing. This is known as cytology. To do this, they will insert a thin needle into the chest, remove the fluid and send it for analysis. By testing the fluid, they can determine what has caused the effusion.
How Can Pleural Effusion Be Treated?
You can treat pleural effusion in a number of ways. For example, a thoracentesis procedure can remove the fluid and alleviate symptoms. However, this does not address the cause of the effusion.

Pleurodesis Procedure
A treatment which can provide a more effective solution to the fluid build-up is a pleurodesis procedure.
This causes irritation which results in the surfaces becoming sticky, allowing them to fuse together. By closing the space, there is nowhere for fluid to build in the future. A pleurodesis is a painful procedure which can cause complications.
Patients often have to stay in hospital for observation following the procedure. Despite this, in the long-term, many patients find it to be a worthwhile procedure. It can alleviate breathlessness and other symptoms associated with a pleural effusion.

Claiming For Pain Caused By Procedures
If your pleural effusion is asbestos-related, then you may be able to claim compensation for the pain and suffering that a pleurodesis procedure causes. It is quite common for the pleurodesis procedure to be carried out alongside a pleural biopsy procedure where samples are extracted for testing. The results of this biopsy can confirm whether you are suffering from a benign effusion, which can be asbestos-related, or with a malignant asbestos-related disease such as mesothelioma.
Pleural Effusion Prognosis
On their own, pleural effusions are often not life-threatening and may disappear spontaneously after a few months. However, pleural effusions can also recur over time and can be a sign that a person is suffering from pleural thickening or mesothelioma.
It is important to seek medical advice if you develop the symptoms of a pleural effusion, because without treatment, you may develop a collapsed lung.
It is also vital to seek medical attention early if you develop this problem and have been exposed to asbestos dust in the past, as it could be a sign that you are suffering from another asbestos-related condition.
Can I Claim Compensation For Pleural Effusion?
If you have been diagnosed with a pleural effusion, you may be able to claim compensation.
We have succeeded in many asbestos-related pleural effusion claims where our clients have recovered compensation.
We are able to settle such asbestos disease claims on a provisional damages basis. This leaves the door open for our clients to claim more compensation if they develop any further asbestos-related health problems in the future, triggering a so-called “return claim”.
No Win, No Fee Claim
The law firm ony deals with all asbestos-related pleural effusion claims on a no win, no fee basis.
After reviewing your medical records and considering your asbestos exposure, your attorney will be able to assess the prospects of succeeding in this type of claim on your behalf.