Pleural Plaques
Pleural plaques are areas of scar tissue on the thin membrane surrounding the lungs, also known as the pleura. This is the most common type of benign asbestos disease.
Pleural plaques do not carry any risk directly but are evidence that someone has been exposed to asbestos in the past. They can also be a reason to check for more serious asbestos-related diseases.
If you are diagnosed with pleural plaques and have been exposed to asbestos in the past, it is advisable to fully investigate the position.
Pleural plaques do not directly increase the risk of developing cancer as they are not malignant, nor are they the same as asbestosis. However, as they can indicate previous exposure to asbestos, it is advisable to monitor them and be alert to any associated problems.
How Are Pleural Plaques Formed?
Like other asbestos-related diseases, pleural plaques are formed as a result of inhaling asbestos dust and fibers.
The asbestos fibers lodge in the lining of the lung and, over time, can cause scarring.

Should I Worry About Pleural Plaques?
Pleural plaques are benign and cannot themselves become cancerous. Very often, they cause no symptoms at all and are simply evidence of asbestos exposure in the past.
In some cases, pleural plaques can be extensive and lead to symptoms in the form of breathlessness or pain.
Many people who are diagnosed with pleural plaques never go on to suffer any associated problems in the future. However, it is advisable to be alert to changes in your symptoms and discuss any concerns with your doctor.

Can I Claim Compensation For
Pleural Plaques?
As they do not usually cause any symptoms, pleural plaques are typically not a condition where compensation can be claimed.
However, in rare cases, they can cause a restriction on lung function. When this happens, pleural plaques compensation can be claimed.
If you or a family member would like to find out if you are eligible to make pleural plaques claim, call us today for free advice 800-589-3204 or find out how much you could be entitled to using our compensation calculator