Pleural Thickening
Pleural thickening, or diffuse pleural thickening (DPT), is a lung disease which occurs when extensive scarring thickens the lining of the lungs, known as the pleura.
The disease can stop your lungs from expanding as well as they should, leading to breathlessness.
We have successfully pursued many compensation claims for pleural thickening for people in a variety of occupations including joiners, plumbers and electricians.
What Causes Pleural Thickening?
The disease is often caused by being exposed to asbestos over a period of time.
Pleural thickening can develop after lower levels of exposure to asbestos compared to asbestos-related fibrosis (asbestosis).
Once you have inhaled asbestos, it settles on the lining of the lungs and can cause scarring, thickening and calcification.This is unfortunately, incurable.
Pleural thickening commonly develops around 10 to 50 years after you have been exposed to asbestos.
You can also develop pleural thickening because of:
- infection
- inflammatory disease
- chemotherapy
- lupus
- other factors
However, this usually presents itself in only one lung.
Asbestos-related pleural thickening is usually found in both lungs (bilateral) because the asbestos fibers have been breathed into both lungs at the same time.

Risk of Pleural Thickening?
You are more likely to develop the disease if you have been exposed to asbestos over a period of time. Some jobs put people at greater risk of being exposed to asbestos.
The following professionals could face higher risks:
- Military Veterans
- Shipbuilders
- Fitters
- Electricians
- Heating engineers
- Carpenters/joiners
- Cable layers
- Fire fighters
- Gas fitters
- Plasterers
- Building surveyors
- Plumbers
What Are The Symptoms of Pleural Thickening?

Pulmonary function tests may show that your lung capacity has reduced, resulting in a restrictive defect on your lung function. This is because the thickening on your lungs is preventing them from expanding and contracting as they should. In some people, once the disease has developed, it remains stable. However, if it progresses your breathing problems could get worse over time.

Chest Pain
Some pain may be experienced as a result of the pleural thickening, particularly if it is extensive. You may also feel that your chest is tight.

How Is Pleural Thickening Diagnosed?
The most common test used to diagnose pleural thickening is a chest x-ray or a CT scan.
A CT scan involves using a particular machine to take a picture of a cross-section of your body.
In more severe cases, it may be necessary for you to undergo a PET scan. A PET scan will help a doctor to distinguish between pleural thickening and pleural mesothelioma, a serious, incurable asbestos-related cancer.
Lung function tests will also be carried out in many cases, to assess whether any pleural thickening showing on the x-rays or scans is causing or contributing to breathing problems.
How Is Pleural Thickening Treated?
Because the scarring of the lung tissue is irreversible, unfortunately, there is no known cure for pleural thickening.
Therefore, treatment for the disease focuses on reducing the symptoms through lifestyle changes, for example, by quitting smoking and becoming more active.

If your breathlessness is more moderate, medication such as steroids may help to ease some of your symptoms.

Pulmonary Rehabilitation
Studies have also shown pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) to be effective in treating symptoms. This is a programme involving exercise and education for people with a long-term lung condition. The team helping you could include physiotherapists, nurses, and occupational therapists.

Thoracentesis Or Pleural Drainage
If you suffer from severe breathlessness, one of the most common treatments for the disease is thoracentesis or pleural drainage. This surgery removes any excess fluid that has built up between your lungs and the pleura. As this fluid restricts your lungs’ ability to expand and contract, removing it can reduce your breathlessness and pain.

Can I Claim Compensation For Pleural Thickening?
To make a legal claim for asbestos-related pleural thickening, you need to be able to say which companies or employers exposed you to asbestos and what work you were doing that caused that exposure.
We help people every year claim compensation for pleural thickening.Compensation helps people to secure a sense of justice and pay for better medical care.
We will consider your diagnosis with you and look at your employment history and how you came to be exposed to asbestos.
If you think you have a claim for asbestos-related pleural thickening, we can help.
For more information, visit our page on how to make a pleural thickening claim.